Investment Platform

Investment Platform

Learn more about becoming a PCA-affiliated advisor

Meet Your Clients’ Investment Needs

Our investment team has curated a comprehensive investment platform by leveraging our relationships with some of the world’s largest asset managers.

The result? We construct portfolios with quality and cost-efficient investments across alpha, index and evidence-based factors.

Alpha Strategies

Deliver active management aiming to outperform the benchmark.

Evidence-Based Strategies

Tilt a portfolio toward asset classes proven to deliver outperformance.

Index Strategies

Use low-cost, tax-efficient, broad market exposure strategies to capture return.

The Way You Want To Invest

We’ve brought together core strategic models and specialized strategies to meet specific client investment needs and differentiate you as an advisor. From environmentally or socially conscious investments to individual stock managers — all the way to portfolios designed to help protect from market volatility — the choice is yours.

A Custom Approach

We believe there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when delivering investment advice. Perhaps your clients are approaching retirement and need an investment plan to provide reliable income. Or maybe they’re in the accumulation phase, focused on growing and maximizing their money.

Whatever their unique situation is, our personalized offerings and knowledgeable team are here for you.

In-House Investment Help

Our investment committee consistently monitors and evaluates what we provide so you have innovative, efficient ways to serve your clients. We’re dedicated to equipping you with investment solutions to deliver the results your clients expect.

Let our Investment Committee be your partners in excellent client service — schedule a 20-minute call to learn how we can work together.

Active Investing

With an active portfolio, we give the manager the ability to make dynamic adjustments to enhance the return — beyond the market benchmark. If they think inflation will creep up, they may make changes in the portfolio to address it.

An active investment approach can do powerful things:

  • Work to deliver investment alpha
  • Offer targeted diversification exposure
  • Deliver specific tax savings

Evidence-Based Investing

It’s a popular method for advisors: You strive to deliver outperformance without market guesswork. Several factors power evidence-based investing:

  • The latest technological advancements
  • Data analytics
  • Historical statistics collection

We design this strategy to be lower cost. It has the benefits of both active and indexed strategies while minimizing inefficiencies.

Passive Market Capture

With long-term objectives in mind, passive market capture strategies incorporate investments that strive for long-term growth. As a low-cost investment management solution on Valor’s platform, passive strategies don’t profit from short-term price fluctuations or market timing. Instead, they profit from long-term growth tied to the performance of an index, market sector or collection of individual stocks and/or bonds.

These strategies have definite hallmarks:

  • Typically, the lowest-cost investment option
  • Intentionally easy for clients to understand
  • Very tax-efficient

What’s going to help keep your passive investor as a client? It’s your ability to measure the right amount of volatility they’re willing to accept. Then, you can match them to the right portfolio to achieve their objectives.

Our business development team is particularly valuable in helping you evaluate the opportunities.

Access Our Investment Platform

Take advantage of the vast infrastructure, resources and support our Valor investment platform provides.

Do you want to be a PCA-affiliated IAR or enter into an institutional relationship as an RIA partner? Book a free 20-minute call to learn more.


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