We offer separate managed accounts (SMAs) to provide you with solutions that allow you to tailor investment portfolios per client:
We’ve partnered with global asset managers Dimensional Fund Advisors and BlackRock on these unique investment offerings. As a result, these offerings are customizable, tax-efficient and actively managed.
SMAs can be beneficial because they allow your clients direct ownership of their portfolio’s underlying securities. In addition, they’re diversifiable across a wide range of asset classes and investment styles.
Learn more about our tailored SMAs from BlackRock and Dimensional.
BlackRock Municipal and Corporate SMAs provide a dedicated investment team from the largest global fixed income manager. These SMAs empower financial professionals like you to offer flexible, value-add investment solutions to a broad set of individual investors. We also offer Municipal and Corporate Bond Ladders.
Dimensional’s equity-focused SMAs let you offer personalized Dimensional investment solutions to your investors. This SMA empowers you to offer flexible, value-add investment solutions to a broad set of individual investors. It also features a fixed-income option and daily tax-loss harvesting.
A dedicated team stands behind us to help you best leverage SMAs in your clients’ overall financial plans per their distinct objectives and needs. Our Investment Committee and case design team are highly skilled at investment advice in your clients’ best interest. They also provide you with resources as a PCA-affiliated advisor and RIA partner.
Access solutions like these SMAs and our experienced team to broaden how you serve your clients. We provide support and answer any questions — we’re here to be your resource for informed, efficient investing in your practice.
Reach out via a free 20-minute call today to discover what it’s like to work with us!